Sunday, April 19, 2009

Bear Mountain

Bear Mountain State Park,
Rockland County, NY

Kept this hike short and ascent minimal because I hadn't been feeling too good. Drove up Perkins Memorial and parked at the top of the mountain. Headed down on the east side of the mountain on the Appalachian Trail, until it hit the cul-de-sac by the end of the Perkins Drive extension. Then took an umarked trail (sort of a bushwack) from that point back up the mountain towards the summit, and then bushwacked towards a large rock face which I hiked up, and then took the Appalachian Trail back to the summit where I had parked.

Heading down the AT.
Looking SE towards Iona Island and the Hudson R.

Bald Mnt, The Timp, and West Mnt.
Looking south from unmarked trail part.

Manhattan Skyline visible in the notch
between The Timp and West Mnt.

The summit tower in the distance. Facing west.
At the summit. Facing SE towards Dunderberg Mnt
and the Hudson River and Peekskill

Dunderberg Mnt, the Hudson, and Peekskill

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Limekiln Mountain

Harriman State Park,
Rockland County, NY

Didn't have much time today for a hike so had to do one close to home that is quick. I hadn't been to this mountain in a while and the trail was a bit overgrown. Started at the Tuxedo-Mount Ivy Trailhead off Diltzes Road, and followed the trail for just a short while by the Power Lines. As the trail veered off the Power Lines, took the unmarked (and slightly overgrown) Limekiln Mountain Trail up the mountain. The trail had been so overgrown that I had accidentally lost the trail and instead continued up the side of the mountain by the fork where the trail goes up the mountain. I veered on the wrong fork and this trail just ends about halfway up the mountain. So I had to bushwack the rest of the way to the top. At the top headed towards the north side of the Mountain towards the File Factory Hollow Lookout, and then headed west up to the top where the main lookout is and where the real trail ends. This mountain affords one of the best views in the entire park! Took some pictures and then headed down the trail. At the point where I veered the wrong way, I built a cairn and put a log around the false trail so that others don't make the same mistake that I did.

Looking up towards the summit.
From point where I veered off trail.

Looking southeast near summit.

Looking south near Summit.
Overlooking Camp Ramaquois.

Looking northwest:
Overlooking File Factory Hollow,
Horse Chock Mountain, Call Hollow,
and Cheescote Mountain

Looking west. A better view of Cheescote Mnt.
And the Hudson R. is viewable to the right.

From the summit lookout.
Facing south towards Monsey.

Facing South from the lookout.
Power lines and Swamp by Mahwah River.

Me at the rock at the lookout.